Today, we are excited to announce that the new version of UTFCast Pro is now available. This release puts UTFCast Pro further in the lead with the batch Unicode conversion solution in the market for consumers, IT experts and enterprises. You will discover a more user-friendly, versatile and powerful UTFCast Pro in version 3.0 and its future releases.
Along with this release there is a new console command line mode that enhances the normal command line mode. With the console command line mode, you can now integrate UTFCast Pro with numerous third-party console applications in a native way.
The installer is also improved. Now you do not need to choose between x86 and x64 installers, UTFCast Pro's new universal installer installs the 32-bit (x86) version on a 32-bit (x86) Windows, and installs the 64-bit (x64) version on a 64-bit (x64) Windows. This gives you the most suitable version and maximizes its efficiency. There is no need to worry about integrating the 64-bit UTFCast Pro with third-party 32-bit applications on a 64-bit Windows because the integration is done via the full featured command line mode, it can seamlessly work with both 32-bit and 64-bit third-party applications and system services.
You can always see the latest release notes on the Release Notes page, and read the latest Manual online.
We also provide a subscription based licensing scheme to light users. You can purchase a 3-month subscription at a regular price, or an annual subscription at a discounted price. If you rely on UTFCast Pro every day, the regular, non-subscription based licensing option is still available. Furthermore, we have changed our upgrade policy, if you purchase the non-subscription based license, you can upgrade not only minor versions, but also major versions, for life-time. That's our new Perpetual License.
If you have purchased a previous version, we also offer you either free or paid options to upgrade your license to the Perpetual License. UTFCast Pro v2.x Workstation License holders can upgrade to the Perpetual License free of charge. Technician License holders will be offered a 70% discount to upgrade the license. UTFCast Pro v1.x license holders will be offered a 50% discount to upgrade the license. Please visit the page: How to upgrade your UTFCast Pro license to the latest to see the details.
UTFCast Pro has been successfully helping individuals, companies, organizations and governments convert documents, system logs, database records and webpages every day, for over ten years. There are over 60 new features have been added and over 130 improvements have been made to its old features since the first version. Thanks to our customers who have supported us. We are always open to suggestions, and we will always be a good listener to hear your voice. Feel free to submit a ticket if you need assistant, or if you just want to tell your story.
Have a good day!
The RotatingScrew Team