Academic LIcense and discount for students, teachers and faculty members

August 16, 2016

We are pleased to announce the Academic License and Academic Discount for UTFCast Professional for academic/educational institutions, students, teachers and faculty members.

The Academic License is a new licensing scheme for bulk licensing throughout an entire school district at a very low cost for academic/education institutions. We have a substantial discount for this licensing scheme. Please submit a ticket to inquiry the cost if you are buying bulk licenses for your institution.

Meanwhile, a discount plan for students, teachers and faculty members is also published now. We provide a fixed 60% off discount for students, teachers and faculty members. If you are a student enrolled at an accredited public or private university or college, or primary or secondary school, or if you are a teacher or an employee employed by an accredited public or private university or college, or primary or secondary school, you are entitle to buy UTFCast Professional at the academic price. You will be asked for proof of eligibility, once your eligibility has been verified, you'll be able to buy UTFCast Professional licenses at the discounted price. The verification process is simple, please read the detail here.



The RotatingScrew Team